Self care is trending. It’s about time!


HealthStar Physicians Premier Medical recognizes that sometimes women–mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, teachers, nurses–put all of their energy into caring for the people they love. They make their kids’ lunches, schedule appointments for spouses, kids and parents, care for their students, patients, clients, customers and families …

Sometimes, women may find they put themselves last on the list of people they take care of. We think it’s time to change that.

National Women’s Health Week is in May, but we think it’s a great time to celebrate women all month long.

Read on for information and tips on taking care of the women in your life … including yourself!

Stats on women’s health.

Women’s health isn’t only about gynecology. Did you know:

  • According to the CDC only about half of women recognize that heart disease is the #1 killer of women.
  • 41% of women aged 20 years and older are obese.
  • 33% of women aged 20 years and older have high blood pressure.
  • The three most common causes of death in women are heart disease, cancer and chronic lower respiratory diseases.

Don’t be a statistic. Make an appointment with HealthStar Physicians Premier Medical so we can get you back on track to enjoying your life!

Make the call. Don’t miss a beat.

Heart disease is a serious concern for women. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has provided this list of seven most common heart attack symptoms for both men and women:

  1. Chest pain or discomfort.
  2. Unusual upper body discomfort, as in the jaw, back or shoulders.
  3. Shortness of breath.
  4. Breaking out in a cold sweat.
  5. Unusual or unexplained fatigue.
  6. Light-headedness or dizziness.
  7. Nausea.

If you or someone you know is experiencing one of these symptoms, call 911. It’s better to be safe than sorry! And it’s even better to prevent a heart attack in the first place. Get a checkup today.

Top five ways to practice self care:

Health is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. But there are some things that everybody should keep in mind when they make a plan to get and stay healthy:

  • Make your yearly doctors’ appointments–and keep them!
  • Make healthy diet changes. You can start small, like switching out a sweet treat for a veggie or piece of fruit.
  • Add daily exercise to your routine. Don’t have time for a long gym class? No problem! Get sneaky: park farther away from the store to make yourself walk. Take your dog and/or kids to the park more often. Take the stairs (maybe go up and down them a couple of times during the day.)
  • Learn to get a handle on your stress. Find some time and space–sometimes only a few minutes is all you need–to breathe deeply. And put down the phone!

Incorporate self care into your daily routine.

  • Go ahead and eat something before you feed the kids.
  • Do something to pamper yourself. Do your nails, or an at-home facial. Take a long bath!
  • Change your mind: even though exercise and healthy foods might seem like punishment, realize that investing in your health is the ultimate in self care.

It’s a good time to establish a primary care physician.

When you start a relationship with the professionals at HealthStar Physicians Premier Medical, you’re making the best investment: in yourself. Establishing a primary care physician makes it easy to monitor health concerns, set a baseline so you understand what’s normal/not normal in your unique physiology, and get comfortable with your personal physician. It means less stress about your health, because you’ve got a caring healthcare team on your side.

Remember, you can’t care for those you love if you don’t take care of yourself.

We can often feel overwhelmed, and forget to take care of ourselves! We can’t stress enough that health is just like the emergency air masks on an airplane; you have to get yours settled before you can help someone else.

HealthStar Physicians is here for the Lakeway Area.

HealthStar Physicians is dedicated to helping improve the health, and therefore the lives, of people in our East Tennessee community.  If you have questions or concerns, or want to learn more, contact us at or

HealthStar Physicians Family Practice is now HealthStar Premier Medical!

We’re still Newport’s compassionate, experienced Osteopathic healthcare providers. We offer a wide range of care, including everything from DOT physicals, vaccines and weight loss management. Click here to learn more.

We’re accepting new patients, and we accept most forms of health insurance. Contact us to find out more.

Reasons why you should get a primary care physician, or perhaps an average schedule of how often people should visit their doctors, based on age.

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